Hello FastWebSites Customer!
You’re probably wondering how and why you’ve landed on this page, so let me explain.
As you are hopefully aware, earlier this year, ExactHosting acquired FastWebSites. Over the last few months, we’ve been working behind the scenes to prepare the necessary work to merge FastWebSites into the ExactHosting brand. Today, we’re finally ready to complete the brand and billing migration work.
All customer data has been moved over to our billing system WHMCS, which is available here. Your login will be the primary email address linked to your account with FastWebSites and Please note that you’ll need to press the ‘forgot password’ button to have a new password sent to you. If you’ve done that and still can’t get in, please email help@exacthosting.com to let us know and we’ll be happy to take a look. Otherwise, we ask that you login and familiarize yourself with the new system and ensure your contact data and credit card information is up to date.
We’ll be sending you an email later today with some additional details including information on the final phase of our migration plans.
Should you have any questions, please reach out to our support team at help@exacthosting.com. We do appreciate your patience and understanding while we work to complete our integration of FastWebSites.
*Your website passwords have not been changed. The password change above only affects your billing credentials.